
5 Things NOT To Say On Grieving

Grieving is a very difficult. I thought this post made some very good points on how to give someone comfort.

My Positive Outlooks

Words Can Slow Their Healing


wendy Wendy Keller, mother, author, survivor

A friend of a friend died in a bike accident last week. Terrence was a well-liked man and an exceptional athlete.My friend runs a local shop, and I was there when he got the news that his friend had died.

As non-immediate family members often do, he went into stunned shock. Didn’t talk about it. We had dinner that night and he brushed it off when I brought it up gently, but at the most unusual times, brought it up himself – and many times since.

I’ve noticed shock only gets you through the first few days, so I stopped by his shop today to see how he was doing. There were two young adults talking to him earnestly. Turns out, they are Terrence’s children. I hadn’t intended to walk into something so intense and private…

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[New Post] Journal Jam


 Yesterday I spent my afternoon being free in my journal. I participated in the Journal Jam @jerry’s Artarama. Our session leader was Katherine Torrini. We discussed silencing our inner critic and focusing on doing whatever we want in our journals. There is no wrong way of expressing yourself.

I gave myself permission and enjoyed doing some background pages. I also received a signed painting from Artist Randy Jerome Simpson. I enjoy art and being around other artist. It is so encouraging.


#katherinetorrini, #jerrysartarama, #journaljam, #freedom, #noinnercritic, #damitaslife

Be Creative Everyday



[New Post] What is Your Writing Process?

Desk Photo imageedit_2_5698290679I have been thinking about my writing process the last couple of days.  I write a lot for my online magazine and now my blog, which I love both. In looking at my process, I started wondering how do you write? Do you write on paper first then transfer the story to your computer or do you write you write strictly on your computer?

I currently write directly on my computer.  So, help me out, what is your writing process? Thanks.

Be Creative Everyday

#creative, #writing, #damitaslife, #ujimamagazine



2015 One Word Challenge – February Update 3/5

Lisa W. Tetting

love (1)

Hello Everyone,

Since today is the first Thursday of the month, it’s time for us to update each other on how our challenge has been going. I want to extend a big welcome to all those new to the challenge! I have received some great feedback from you all and have seen some very interesting posts. You guys are great and I thank you for the participation.

Now it’s time to update you all on what I did in the month of February to honor my word choice: LOVE. As you may have read in last month’s update, I decided to have a theme for each month just to make it a little more fun and challenging for myself. You all are welcome to do the same if you choose to. Please know this, no matter what you choose to do, or how little or big, it is all up…

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