
An Artful Weekend at SXSW and SXSJ

These are my pics from my moments during SXSW. My Art group Urban Sketchers Austin decided to do a SXSJ (South by San Juan) on Congress. Our goal was to sketch people. I had a difficult time with this, but I’m learning. However, I was able to work at Opa during a SXSW music concert but of course I stopped working and starting sketching. Will share later.


Damita Miller-Shanklin, New Artist


Art Attack!

Art has taken over my life. When I decided to try art, I did not have any clue that I would want to do it all the time.. That can’t be, I have work to do. I find all my thoughts go straight to art and I want to sketch and paint most of the day. This has to change. But I thought I would share with you my art class this past Saturday at Jerry’s Artarama.

I have taken this class/demo before. What I like about the class is each time I come home with three new pieces of art. It is so fun and I feel very accomplished. I will share with you my latest pieces. I do need to work on the abstract a bit more and I will post when I have complete it.

If you enjoy art, what type of art do you prefer? Let me know.



Damita Miller-Shanklin, New Artist